November 14, 2023
Global Distribution of Used Lab Equipment

Global Distribution of Used Lab Equipment

From advances in online purchasing to a surge of new clientele, the future of used lab equipment distribution is bright for the informed and well-prepared. Read on for a glimpse into what distributors can expect and incorporate in the coming years of change and growth. 

80/20 Will Ring True

Amongst large lab equipment manufacturers, most of their revenue comes from a slim portion of their clients. This means that nowadays, when online shopping trumps the art of cold calling, smaller accounts are no longer a primary target since it’s simply too expensive to call on less lucrative leads. Since these smaller customers will continue to be nixed from the radar of large manufacturers, proactive used lab equipment distributors are anticipated to act on the opportunity to gain some market share. We can expect more manufacturers to start leaning towards the pricing and service distinctive of independent distributors.

The Rise of Independent Used Lab Equipment Distribution

Amazon may have a hold on over 90% of online product searches, though it’s ultimately up to the consumer to find what they’re looking for. Manufacturers are now recognizing the power of independent lab equipment distribution, most notably due to their power in bringing products to market without succumbing to the monopolies of modern healthcare. Additionally, independent distributors typically employ tight-knit teams who nurture and value client relationships - rather than simply hunting down the next best lead. 

REUZEit: The All-in-One Solution for Used and Surplus Lab and Medical Equipment

Let’s face it, investing in laboratory equipment for your scientific research is a necessary cost. Luckily, we’re committed to providing you with options that you can fit into your budget. Money saved on one product can be used to finance another resource that is just as important to your progress. Whether you’re searching for innovative chemistry lab equipment or looking to replace broken lab equipment, REUZEit offers low-cost solutions that work as hard as you do. Browse the best surplus and gently used biotech and pharmaceutical equipment on the market! Check out our USA-based store or our European-based store to shop discount laboratory equipment.